Leap of faith: build something beautiful
In Genesis 11, the story of the tower of Babel tells of a people moving forward in God’s Kingdom Mandate (be fruitful, multiply, fill the earth, rule over it). Suddenly, they stop and question why. They determine that they don’t want to pursue God’s purposes or His glory any longer. Instead, they pursue their own glory by building a great tower and city. Of course, God sees this. Just before confusing their language and scattering them to build many cultures around the world, God says this: “If as one people speaking the same language they have begun to do this, then nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.” In other words, if these people have nothing to divide them, they can achieve impossible things together. That’s a very powerful vision for reconciliation. In this series, we are exploring several aspects of the work and character of a reconciling church with the hope that we can build something beautiful, for God’s glory, not our own.