Contemplative Prayer

Building new and practicing deeper rhythms in our lives through contemplative prayer. Our most recent video is to the right. For more, head to our YouTube page.

COVID-19 Response

Our Coronavirus/COVID 19 Response …
Update #1 March 11, 2020
Update #2 March 13, 2020
Update #3 March 17, 2020

Prayer Requests

Mental Health Needs

We would love to pray for you and support you. Complete this form and one of our team will follow up.

Get Connected

Interested in learning more about with Vineyard Church? Fill out our online connection card and one of our Pastors will get in touch with you.

Emergency Response Team

We’re asking for anyone who meets the following criteria to volunteer to make grocery & medicine runs:

  • You are not one of the vulnerable persons, nor are you in the household with a vulnerable person

  • You are not sick or symptomatic, nor is anyone in your household sick (COVID-19 or otherwise)

  • You have been practicing coronavirus safety (social distancing, hand washing)

  • You are willing to put yourself in harm’s way to help others

Contact, if you are interested.

30-30 Care Team

We hope and pray that nobody finds themself hit hard financially through this crisis. However, we want to be prepared. Vineyard has a benevolence fund that could very well run dry, quickly. We’re hoping to find 30 people in our church family who would be willing to donate $30 in a moment’s notice for an emergent need.

Contact, if you are interested.

Small Groups

Small groups are where the community life of the Vineyard comes alive, and we are still committed to staying connected. Our Small Groups are now meeting virtually.


For active ways locals can help and get help, go to

To help distribute meals to children in our city, go to Charlottesville City Schools

To volunteer with our local food bank, go to Blue Ridge Area Food Bank of Cville

To support and care for some of our most vulnerable (older adults), go to JABA for a variety of options

Continue to engage with and support our partners in Charlottesville: IMPACT, Abundant Life, and PACEM.

Resources for Kids