Counterfeit Gods
Our culture does not use a lot of deistic lingo these days, but there may definitely be things, ideas, and images that we put on a pedestal without even realizing it. Based on the book Counterfeit Gods: The empty promises of money, sex, and power, and the only hope that matters by Timothy Keller, this series plunges us into a perspective that reveals what motivates us and what might be stunting our pursuit of God.
Idol of Cultural Superiority
Jim Bleakley, September 28, 2014
In Money We Trust
Jim Bleakley, September 21, 2014
Seduction of Success
Charlene Brown, September 14, 2014
Love Is Not All We Need
Jim Bleakley, September 7, 2014
Where We Find Meaning Matters
Jim Bleakley, August 31, 2014