Leap of Faith 2024
During Leap of Faith, we’ll pray for our community, we’ll pray for others to join our community, our sermon series will be centered on community, we’ll serve our city as a community, our habit for life will be about community and on Easter day we’ll party with our community!
“Above all,” says both Paul and Peter in their letters to the followers of Jesus… Above all, love one another. Peter heard those exact words from Jesus himself. Very likely, Paul’s unorthodox encounter with Jesus would have included that same admonishment. After all, it was one of those few statements we know Jesus repeated throughout his public ministry. John records some of Jesus’s last moments with his disciples in John 13, “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” Jesus clearly believed that the best life for all humans was a life with God, surrounded by people we love. But, what does that look like, practically? That’s exactly what we’ll be working on these six weeks.