Moving toward God through intentional practice

The practices we keep in life shape and form us along the way. Being intentional about those practices allows us to hold agency over who we’re becoming. Without intentionality, we simply drift in whatever direction the winds of our world want to take us. We’re choosing to engage in spiritual practices that enable us to be and become the men, women and children God designed us to be. 

Spiritual practices are:

“Habits, practices, and experiences that are designed to develop, grow, and strengthen certain qualities of spirit - to build the “muscles” of one’s character and expand the breadth of one’s inner life. They structure the “workouts” which train the soul.” 

~ Richard Foster

Every other month, we’ll focus on one spiritual practice intended to shape and form us in God’s image …

Big Picture Scripture

Nov/Dec 2024

Have you ever played a board game without understanding the rules? Have you ever taken a wrong turn on the road or a trail and felt lost? Most of us have had experiences where we’re moving forward while also failing to comprehend where exactly we’re going. Doesn’t that seem like a problem? 

This can be just as true with the bible. Most people who have been taught to read their bibles, have been encouraged to read short segments at a time - a couple chapters or verse by verse. This is a great method for study… for trying to comprehend the details of a letter or passage. It’s like paying great attention to the specific road or trail you’re on. You can learn a lot that way. 

For our Habit this month, however, we are reading large portions of scripture at a time. When we do this, it’s like stepping back and viewing a map of your trail or road… you get a much better understanding of where you are and where you’re headed. You pick up on themes and the overall purpose of the author… you understand how all those details you’ve read actually fit together. And, you understand how that letter or narrative fits with the grand narrative of God through history.

Join us this November/December as we grow in understanding scripture.


Take a few opportunities these two months to set aside 30 minutes for reading an entire book of the bible in one sitting. Some shorter books to consider beginning with:

  • OT - Ruth, Ezra, Nehehiah, Esther, all the minor prophets (Hosea through Malachi)

  • NT - Any of the letters between Acts and Revelation

Some pointers

  • Read like it’s a novel… don’t allow yourself to get hung up on a word or phrase. Once you basically understand what’s being said, move on.

  • Some may find it helpful to write simple notes in an outline format as you wrap up each paragraph or section so you can go back and see the overall flow. But, don’t let it slow you down.

  • After you’ve finished, take a few minutes to summarize what you’ve read. What is the overall point of the book/section? What themes did you pick up on? How do you think that piece fits into the whole of scripture?

  • Do this with others. Ask someone else to read the same portion, then discuss the themes and main ideas.

Small group leaders - consider taking 20 minutes of one meeting to read a short book together. Then discuss the overall themes.

Tell your story - don’t forget to tell others how it’s going.