Summer Book Study


Sign up for the twelve lies Book study Here.


Are you troubled by the racial divide that plagues our city and nation? It's easy to point fingers at those we perceive to be the problem. But maybe we ourselves are part of the problem.

Join Kathy and Carissa in a 6-week book study this summer intended to challenge each of us to take a self-reflective look at how the American culture has shaped our individual beliefs, attitudes and actions.

We’ll meet virtually Sundays from 4-5:30pm for 6 weeks beginning July 5. If you’re interested in joining, find out more and sign up HERE.

Jonathan has provided paperback books for the discounted price of $5. Indicate if you’d like one on the sign up form. Kindle versions are also available for $4.99.


Twelve Lies That Hold America Captive: And the Truth That Sets Us Free is written by Jonathan Walton – brother of Dr. Nathan Walton, Charlottesville Vineyard Church’s Formation and Discipleship Pastor.

Jonathan is an Ivy League educated black man who candidly shares accounts of his pursuit of the American dream from rural Virginia to New York City. Jonathan invites readers to view American culture through the lens of a follower of Christ.